Tuesday, June 9, 2009

One Down.

I committed vehicular homicide today. That's what most would call it but I know differently.

It was late morning. I was coming up the driveway at about five-seven miles per hour. All of the sudden, something behind me catches my eye. I realize that it's probably a woodchuck but didn't think that he was actually stupid enough to keep running into an oncoming car. I was wrong.

I feel a bump and hear a crunching sound. I look in my mirror and see the poor thing twitch and take its last breath. I feel bad. I keep driving.

Had I been driving down the road at nearly sixty miles per hour, I probably would have had to pull over and puke. For some reason I handled my first roadkill incident rather well.

In this case, I'm calling it survival of the fittest. Really, woodchuck or human, don't run under a moving car. You're just asking for it.


Hope said...

I am surprised that is your first road kill!!!! WOW! I guess I had a popular car around there!!! : )

Anonymous said...

I remember my first one (and only so far thankfully!!). It was while David and I were going through the divorce and I was already stressed, upset, depressed, weepy, etc. I always, ALWAYS slow down to let the little birdies make sure they get out of the way...it usually makes me look like an idiot as they are long gone by the time I get there. Well this time I said, well they always have time to move...I'm not going to slow down. I didn't speed up, I just didn't take my foot off the gas like normal. SMACK feathers fly everywhere. My momma was in the car and I just broke down crying my eyes out. I said oh great, now God's gonna get me cuz I killed the birdie LOL It was the first time I had reminded my momma of her little girl growing up in a long time. We laugh about it now. And I make sure I always slow down now, I don't care what others think!