Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

Here are some great ideas to celebrate Earth Day everyday!!

Truly, Earth Day should be every single day. Forty years ago, Earth Day was a fun way to teach kids (and adults) ways to be kind to the earth. Remember the whole "Recycle, Reuse, Reduce" chant they taught you in school? ;)
The term "being green" hadn't really come into existence yet. Today, however, even the youngest members of your family can help you live a healthy, "green" lifestyle.

Consider making even just one change today. Switch to more energy efficient light bulbs, start recycling or composting, plant a garden, or use Earth friendly (and family friendly) cleaning products. You'll be surprised at the results. I promise you'll "get something" out of your change. Chances are, you'll save a little green while being green.

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