I was thinking of posting something special for Mother's Day but then a friend of mine beat me to it. Read this entry A Week of Celebration? For ME??? first.
It's like she was reading my mind. When you're struggling to have a baby of your own, things like baby showers and Mother's Day are pure torture. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing more precious and exciting than a new baby but having to endure new baby after new baby while wondering if you're ever going to enjoy that same happiness is heartbreaking, to put it lightly.
I'll never forget my "first" Mother's Day. I was about six months pregnant. Our pastor decided to play a little game after the service for Mother's Day. He had Great Grandmothers stand, Grandmothers Mothers, etc. to determine who had the most children and grandchildren. Every mother got a rose.
I felt a little twinge in my heart for those women that never got to stand.
He then asked anyone that had become a mother that year to stand. We all applauded for a friend who stood with her infant. Then he said, "Anyone who WILL become a mother this year, please stand." (He knew we were expecting but no one other than choir members in the congregation did.) I could barely hold back the tears as I stood. Everyone applauded with a look of surprise.
I always think of that moment when I think of Mother's Day. For me, it's not about having a "day off" (because really...does that actually happen?) or getting cards, candy or flowers. It's about remembering that feeling I had three years ago. I wish everyone could experience that.
So enjoy this Sunday with your family, your kids or your mommy friends. But don't forget those friends that are struggling to become mommies. You can't even begin to imagine their hurt.
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